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Global Rare Earth Elements Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report, by Type (Lanthanum, Cerium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Samarium, Europium, Other), by Element (Light REEs, Heavy REEs, Yttrium), by Application (Magnets, Metallurgy, Batteries, Polishing Agent, Glass and Ceramics, Catalysts, Phosphors, Others), By Region (North America, Europe, APAC, and Others), and Segment Forecasts, 2024 – 2032
  • Published Date: Dec, 2023
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  • Pages: 200
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  • Report Summary
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  • Segmentation
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The rare earth elements (REE) market encompasses the global trade and utilization of a group of seventeen chemically similar elements, including lanthanides such as neodymium, praseodymium, and europium, as well as scandium and yttrium. These elements are characterized by their unique magnetic, luminescent, and catalytic properties, rendering them essential in a wide range of advanced technologies and industrial applications. Key sectors within the rare earth elements market include electronics, clean energy technologies (wind turbines, electric vehicles, and solar panels), healthcare (MRI machines and medical imaging devices), defense systems, and various manufacturing processes. The market is influenced by factors such as geopolitical dynamics, technological advancements, environmental regulations, and the global transition toward sustainable energy solutions. As demand for high-tech and green technologies continues to rise, the rare earth elements market plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of numerous industries.

Global Rare Earth Elements Market was valued at US $ 3168 million in 2023 and is expected to reach US $ 5678.9 million by 2032 growing at a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period 2024 – 2032.

COVID -19 Impact

The rare earth elements (REE) market experienced a complex impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, marked by a series of challenges and opportunities. Disruptions in global supply chains, resulting from lockdowns and travel restrictions, posed operational difficulties for mines and hindered the transportation of raw materials and finished products. Certain industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing, saw a decrease in demand due to economic uncertainties and lockdown measures. Additionally, the clean energy sector, a major consumer of REEs, faced fluctuations in demand as project delays and disruptions affected the deployment of renewable energy technologies. Price volatility in the market ensued from these uncertainties. However, amidst the challenges, the pandemic accelerated digital transformation trends, driving increased demand for electronics and technology products, potentially benefiting the use of rare earth elements in these sectors. Furthermore, a renewed focus on sustainability and environmental considerations, coupled with discussions around diversifying sources and securing supply chains, may shape the long-term trajectory of the rare earth elements market during the post-pandemic recovery phase.

Factors Driving the Market


Growing adoption of renewable energy source

The market growth of rare earth elements (REEs) is propelled by the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources worldwide. Rare earth elements, including neodymium and dysprosium, play vital roles in the production of high-performance magnets for wind turbines, contributing to the expanding wind energy sector. In the electric vehicle (EV) industry, neodymium-based permanent magnets are essential for enhancing motor efficiency, aligning with the global push towards electric mobility. Moreover, certain rare earth elements like tellurium and indium are integral to the manufacturing of solar panels and photovoltaic cells, driving the growth of the REE market alongside the proliferation of solar energy technologies. The demand for REEs extends to energy storage technologies, such as rechargeable batteries and fuel cells, crucial for balancing the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Ongoing innovations in clean energy technologies, coupled with supportive government policies and global sustainability goals, further emphasize the importance of rare earth elements in achieving a cleaner and more sustainable energy landscape. As the world accelerates its transition to renewable energy, the role of rare earth elements becomes increasingly pivotal, positioning the market for sustained growth.


Lack of efficient recycling infrastructure for REEs

The lack of an efficient recycling infrastructure for rare earth elements (REEs) significantly hampers the growth of the REE market on multiple fronts. The heavy reliance on primary extraction from mines creates vulnerability in the supply chain, exposing the market to geopolitical uncertainties and disruptions. Moreover, the environmental impact of mining, including habitat disruption and contamination, persists due to the absence of effective recycling practices. The economic potential of REEs remains largely untapped as the lack of recycling infrastructure means valuable resources from end-of-life products are not recaptured, missing out on potential economic benefits. This situation contributes to rising costs, price volatility, and a heightened environmental footprint. Additionally, the energy-intensive nature of primary extraction further underscores the need for a shift towards recycling to reduce energy consumption. The potential for resource depletion is a looming concern, necessitating urgent investment in recycling technologies and policies to establish a circular economy for rare earth elements. As regulatory pressures and consumer expectations regarding sustainability increase, the development of an efficient recycling infrastructure becomes imperative for the long-term growth and sustainability of the REE market.


Expanding into new application areas like biomedical devices, energy storage, and advanced materials

The market growth of rare earth elements (REE) is experiencing a significant boost through strategic expansion into new application areas, including biomedical devices, energy storage, and advanced materials. In the realm of biomedical devices, the distinctive properties of certain REEs are instrumental in enhancing diagnostic tools and medical treatments, as exemplified by gadolinium's role in MRI contrast agents and cerium oxide nanoparticles with antioxidant properties. Simultaneously, the burgeoning demand for energy storage solutions, such as rechargeable batteries and fuel cells, leverages the pivotal role of REEs like neodymium in high-performance magnets, particularly in electric vehicles and wind turbines. Moreover, the versatility of rare earth elements contributes to the development of advanced materials, including superconductors, high-strength alloys, and advanced ceramics, diversifying their applications across aerospace, electronics, and manufacturing sectors. As the world accelerates its transition to clean energy technologies, rare earth elements play a crucial role in magnets for renewable energy applications, further propelling market expansion. Additionally, the deployment of REEs in environmental technologies, such as catalysts for emission control, aligns with global efforts for sustainability and emissions reduction. The ongoing wave of technological innovations continues to uncover new applications, fostering a dynamic landscape and ensuring that rare earth elements remain at the forefront of transformative industries and emerging opportunities.

Market Segmentation

By Type

By Type, the global Rare Earth Elements Market is divided into Lanthanum, Cerium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Samarium, Europium, Other.

Cerium (Ce) holds the largest market share at around 29.89%, primarily due to its use in glass and ceramics polishing industries, catalysts. On the other side, Neodymium (Nd) leads in growth potential with a projected CAGR of around 5.8%. The ongoing electric vehicle revolution and advancements in magnet technology contribute significantly to this growth.

Cerium (Ce) and Neodymium (Nd) hold distinctive positions in the rare earth elements (REE) market, each contributing significantly to various industries. Cerium, classified as a light rare earth element (LREE), is abundant and versatile. Its applications range from catalysis in automotive converters to use in glass polishing and fuel cell research. Cerium's presence across multiple sectors, owing to its diverse properties, solidifies its enduring importance in the REE market.

On the other hand, Neodymium, categorized as a heavy rare earth element (HREE), has garnered attention as one of the fastest-growing elements in the market. Its magnetic properties make it an essential component in neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnets, crucial for applications in electric vehicles, wind turbines, and various electronic devices. The rising demand for clean energy technologies and the widespread adoption of electric vehicles underscore Neodymium's pivotal role in driving the rapid growth of the REE market. These two elements, each with distinct characteristics and applications, collectively contribute to the dynamic landscape of rare earth elements, reflecting the evolving needs of diverse industries.

By Elements

By Elements, the global Rare Earth Elements Market is divided into Light REEs, Heavy REEs, Yttrium.

Light REEs (LREEs) dominate the market with approximately 70.1% share thanks to their abundance and wider range of applications. On contrary, Neodymium (Nd) projected to be the fastest-growing element with a CAGR of around 5.9%.

Light REEs, which include elements like cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, and praseodymium, are often more abundant and widely used in various industrial applications compared to their heavy counterparts. These elements have been instrumental in the development of technologies such as electronics, magnets, and catalysts. For instance, neodymium and praseodymium are crucial components in the production of high-strength permanent magnets used in electric vehicles, wind turbines, and other clean energy applications. The increasing demand for these technologies has contributed to the leading position of LREEs in the market.

Yttrium, although not classified as a rare earth element, is often considered alongside them due to its similar chemical properties and occurrence in REE deposits. Yttrium has gained attention for its applications in various high-tech industries. It is used in phosphors for color television tubes, LED lights, and other display technologies. Yttrium is also utilized in the production of certain types of lasers and as an alloying agent in some specialty metals. The growing demand for electronics, lighting technologies, and advanced materials has driven the increased use of yttrium, contributing to its recognition as one of the fastest-growing elements in the REE market.

By Application

By Application, the Rare Earth Elements Market is divided by Magnets, Metallurgy, Batteries, Polishing Agent, Glass and Ceramics, Catalysts, Phosphors, Others.

Permanent Magnets currently account for the largest share of the REE market, holding approximately 32.46% of the global market share. On the other side, Catalysts projected to witness the fastest growth with a CAGR of around 5.1%.

Permanent magnets, notably those incorporating neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) alloys, are spearheading and propelling remarkable growth in the rare earth elements (REE) market. Their dominance is underscored by their indispensable role in cutting-edge technologies, including electric vehicles, wind turbines, and electronic devices. The ongoing advancements in these technologies intensify the demand for compact, potent, and energy-efficient permanent magnets, thereby elevating the significance of rare earth elements such as neodymium and dysprosium. The global transition towards clean energy sources, particularly the surge in electric vehicles and renewable energy solutions, accentuates the critical role of permanent magnets. In tandem, the consumer electronics sector, automotive industry, and diverse industrial applications increasingly rely on the unique magnetic properties of rare earth elements. The global connectivity trend, epitomized by smartphones, computers, and communication devices, further amplifies the demand for rare earth magnets in speakers, sensors, and other vital components. The concentrated production of rare earth elements, predominantly in China, has prompted a reassessment of global supply chain dynamics, fostering efforts to diversify sources. Additionally, ongoing innovations in magnet design seek to mitigate dependence on critical rare earth elements, enhancing the sustainability and resilience of the permanent magnet industry. In essence, the leading role of permanent magnets, driven by their pivotal applications in cutting-edge technologies and the global push towards sustainability, serves as a catalyst for the unprecedented growth observed in the rare earth elements market.

By Region

By region, the global Rare Earth Elements Market is divided into North America, Europe, APAC and Others. Others is further divided into Middle East, Africa and South America.

Asia-Pacific currently dominating the global REE market with around 65.81% market share, led by China's significant production and processing capacity. Asia-Pacific also boasts the highest Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of around 6.5%.

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, led by China, stands at the forefront of the rare earth elements (REE) market, experiencing unparalleled growth and leadership. China's commanding position is rooted in its possession of substantial global rare earth reserves, particularly in regions like Inner Mongolia, coupled with extensive vertical integration across the entire supply chain. This integration, from mining to processing, ensures cost efficiency and a competitive advantage. China's strategic investment in infrastructure development has further propelled its efficient and prolific production of rare earth materials. While environmental concerns have been raised, the nation's historically dominant position has been bolstered by less stringent regulations, allowing for rapid production. The APAC region's growing demand for rare earths, driven by burgeoning industries such as electronics, automotive, and clean energy, contributes significantly to the region's leadership. Additionally, technological advancements in countries like Japan and South Korea, where high-tech industries thrive, further fuel the demand for REEs. The strategic importance of securing a stable supply of rare earth materials has prompted heightened awareness and investments in the region, solidifying APAC's role as the leading and fastest-growing hub in the global rare earth elements market. While China has been the primary driver, other nations in the region, including Australia and Japan, are increasingly contributing to the evolving landscape of this crucial industry.

Competitive Landscape

The global Rare Earth Elements Market is consolidated with the presence of few major players contributing to the market revenue. This dominance of these major players is driven by their technological expertise, extensive resources, and established brand recognition. These companies typically offered comprehensive and diversified solutions to end use industries.

  • China Northern Rare Earth Group High-Tech Co. Ltd.

China Northern Rare Earth Group High-Tech Co. Ltd. (CNR) holds a prominent position in the global market for rare earth elements (REE). Located in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, CNR benefits from its strategic location atop one of the world's most abundant REE deposits. Established in 1961, the company boasts over six decades of expertise in mining, refining, processing, and marketing REEs, solidifying its pivotal role in the industry. With a rich history and extensive experience, China Northern Rare Earth Group High-Tech Co. Ltd. stands as a key player in the REE market. The company's robust production capacity and diversified product portfolio position it for ongoing success. Despite its strong foundation, CNR faces challenges associated with environmental considerations, geopolitical dynamics, and market price fluctuations. Navigating these factors will be imperative for ensuring CNR's sustained growth and development in the future.

  • MP Materials, Inc.

MP Materials, Inc. emerges as a dynamic force in the rare earth elements (REE) market, with a dedicated mission to restore American prominence in this pivotal sector. Established in 2010 under the leadership of CEO James Litinsky, the company is strategically centered on the revitalization of the Mountain Pass mine in California—an exclusive rare earth mining and processing facility in North America. MP Materials' trajectory is characterized by a strategic emphasis, technological innovation, and a steadfast commitment to sustainability. These elements position the company strategically to capitalize on the escalating demand for rare earths, particularly in the context of the accelerating clean energy transition. As a key player, MP Materials is instrumental in diminishing U.S. reliance on China, contributing significantly to a cleaner and more secure future for the rare earth industry.

  • Lynas Rare Earths Ltd.

Lynas Rare Earths Ltd., an Australian mining and processing firm, distinguishes itself as the foremost producer of isolated rare earth materials outside of China. Since its inception in 1996, the company has been actively engaged in two significant mining projects. Lynas Rare Earths Ltd. is strategically poised to leverage the increasing demand for Rare Earth Elements (REEs), fueled by the transition to clean energy and technological progress. The company's dedication to sustainability, an extensive product portfolio, and strategic collaborations contribute to a bright and promising outlook for its future.

  • Iluka Resources Ltd.
  • Mountain Pass Rare Earth LLC
  • Greenland Minerals Ltd.
  • Arafura Resources Ltd.
  • Avalon Advanced Materials Inc
  • China Minmetals Rare Earth Co. Ltd.
  • Shenghe Resources Holding Co., Ltd,
  • Japan Rare Earth Co., Ltd.
  • Molycorp Minerals & Metals
  • Silmet Corp.
  • Sumitomo Special Metals Co., Ltd.
  • Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Neo Performance Materials Inc

Recent Developments

  • MP Materials (USA, Nov 2023): Successfully secured a substantial $475 million loan from the U.S. Department of Energy to facilitate the expansion of their Mountain Pass rare earth mine and processing facility. This strategic move positions them to emerge as the leading global producer outside of China by 2025.
  • Sumitomo Special Metals Co., Ltd. (Japan, Oct 2023): Achieved a breakthrough by introducing an innovative high-performance permanent magnet crafted from a Dy-free NdFeB alloy. This development not only mitigates concerns regarding dysprosium supply but also underscores a commitment to minimizing environmental impact.
  • Magnequench (USA, Nov 2023): Marked a significant milestone with the successful pilot production announcement of rare earth-free magnets tailored for electric vehicle motors. This initiative reflects their dedication to providing a sustainable and potentially cost-competitive alternative, aligning with the growing demand for environmentally conscious technologies.
  • Lynas Rare Earths (Australia, Oct 2023): Achieved a significant milestone by initiating commercial production of NdPr oxide at their expanded Kalgoorlie mine. This development not only enhances their production capacity but also signifies a strategic diversification beyond heavy Rare Earth Elements (REEs).
  • China Minmetals Rare Earth Co. Ltd. (China, Nov 2023): Unveiled a strategic initiative to inject $1.2 billion into the establishment of a cutting-edge rare earth separation facility in Inner Mongolia. This ambitious move underscores their commitment to reinforcing their commanding position in the market.
  • Shenghe Resources Holding Co., Ltd. (China, Dec 2023): Solidified a collaborative partnership with a Japanese company to pioneer the development of innovative extraction and separation technologies specifically tailored for heavy Rare Earth Elements (REEs). This joint effort reflects a commitment to advancing technological frontiers in the rare earth industry.
  • Greenland Minerals (Australia, Dec 2023): Attained regulatory approvals for the Kringlerne rare earth project in Greenland, marking a crucial step forward for potential future production. This accomplishment aligns with Europe's efforts to decrease dependency on China for rare earth resources.

Rare Earth Elements Market Scope

Report Components Details
Base Year 2023
Forecast Period 2024 – 2032
Quantitative Units Revenue in US $
Drivers Increased demand for REEs in high-tech applications, Growing adoption of renewable energy source, Continued demand for REEs in military equipment, Rising demand from developing economies
Challenges Environmental Impact, Development of substitute materials or alternative technologies, Fluctuations in REE prices, Lack of efficient recycling infrastructure for REEs
Trends Reducing dependence on China by promoting REE exploration, Development of new extraction, processing, and recycling technologies, Expanding into new application areas like biomedical devices, energy storage, and advanced materials.
Segments Covered by Type (Lanthanum, Cerium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Samarium, Europium, Other), by Element (Light REEs, Heavy REEs, Yttrium), by Application (Magnets, Metallurgy, Batteries, Polishing Agent, Glass and Ceramics, Catalysts, Phosphors, Others)
Countries Covered U.S. and Canada in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the APAC, Others include Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Rest of South America as part of South America
Market Players Covered China Northern Rare Earth Group High-Tech Co. Ltd., MP Materials, Inc., Lynas Rare Earths Ltd., Iluka Resources Ltd., Mountain Pass Rare Earth LLC, Greenland Minerals Ltd., EUROAMERICAN RESOURCES CORP., Arafura Resources Ltd., RARE ELEMENTS RESOURCES LTD., Avalon Advanced Materials Inc, China Minmetals Rare Earth Co. Ltd., Shenghe Resources Holding Co., Ltd, Japan Rare Earth Co., Ltd., Molycorp Minerals & Metals , Silmet Corp., Sumitomo Special Metals Co., Ltd., Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., MAGNEQUENCH, SECO Resources, Neo Performance Materials Inc

Table of Contents


1.1 Overview of the Market

1.2 Scope of Report

1.3 Assumptions





3.1 Data Mining

3.2 Validation

3.3 Primary Interviews

3.4 List of Data Sources



4.1 Overview

4.2 Market Dynamics

4.2.1 Drivers

4.2.2 Restraints

4.2.3 Opportunities

4.3 Porters Five Force Model

4.3.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

4.3.2. Threat of New Entrants

4.3.3. Threat of Substitutes

4.3.4. Competitive Rivalry

4.3.5. Bargaining Power among Buyers

4.4 Value Chain Analysis


5.1 Overview

5.2 Lanthanum

5.3 Cerium

5.4 Neodymium

5.5 Praseodymium

5.6 Samarium

5.7 Europium

5.8 Other


6.1 Overview

6.2 Light REEs

6.3 Heavy REEs

6.4 Yttrium


7.1 Overview

7.2 Magnets

7.3 Metallurgy

7.4 Batteries

7.5 Polishing Agent

7.6 Glass and Ceramics

7.7 Catalysts

7.8 Phosphors

7.9 Others


8.1 North America

8.1.1 U.S.

8.1.2 Canada

8.2 Europe

8.2.1 Germany

8.2.3 U.K.

8.2.4 France

8.2.5 Rest of Europe

8.3 Asia Pacific

8.3.1 China

8.3.2 Japan

8.3.3 India

8.3.4 South Korea

8.3.5 Singapore

8.3.6 Malaysia

8.3.7 Australia

8.3.8 Thailand

8.3.9 Indonesia

8.3.10 Philippines

8.3.11 Rest of Asia Pacific

8.4 Others

8.4.1 Saudi Arabia

8.4.2 U.A.E.

8.4.3 South Africa

8.4.4 Egypt

8.4.5 Israel

8.4.6 Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA)

8.4.7 Brazil

8.4.8 Argentina

8.4.9 Mexico

8.4.10 Rest of South America


9.1 China Northern Rare Earth Group High-Tech Co. Ltd.

9.1.1. Company Overview

9.1.2. Key Executives

9.1.3. Operating Business Segments

9.1.4. Product Portfolio

9.1.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.1.6 Key News


9.2 MP Materials, Inc.

9.2.1. Company Overview

9.2.2. Key Executives

9.2.3. Operating Business Segments

9.2.4. Product Portfolio

9.2.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.2.6. Key News


9.3 Lynas Rare Earths Ltd.

9.3.1. Company Overview

9.3.2. Key Executives

9.3.3. Operating Business Segments

9.3.4. Product Portfolio

9.3.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.3.6. Key News


9.4 Iluka Resources Ltd.

9.4.1. Company Overview

9.4.2. Key Executives

9.4.3. Operating Business Segments

9.4.4. Product Portfolio

9.4.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.4.6. Key News


9.5 Mountain Pass Rare Earth LLC

9.5.1. Company Overview

9.5.2. Key Executives

9.5.3. Operating Business Segments

9.5.4. Product Portfolio

9.5.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.5.6. Key News


9.6 Greenland Minerals Ltd.

9.6.1. Company Overview

9.6.2. Key Executives

9.6.3. Operating Business Segments

9.6.4. Product Portfolio

9.6.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.6.6. Key News


9.7 EuroAmerican Resources Corp.

9.7.1. Company Overview

9.7.2. Key Executives

9.7.3. Operating Business Segments

9.7.4. Product Portfolio

9.7.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.7.6. Key News


9.8 Arafura Resources Ltd.

9.8.1. Company Overview

9.8.2. Key Executives

9.8.3. Operating Business Segments

9.8.4. Product Portfolio

9.8.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.8.6. Key News


9.9 Rare Elements Resources Ltd.

9.9.1. Company Overview

9.9.2. Key Executives

9.9.3. Operating Business Segments

9.9.4. Product Portfolio

9.9.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.9.6. Key News


9.10 Avalon Advanced Materials Inc

9.10.1. Company Overview

9.10.2. Key Executives

9.10.3. Operating Business Segments

9.10.4. Product Portfolio

9.10.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.10.6. Key News


9.11 China Minmetals Rare Earth Co. Ltd.

9.11.1. Company Overview

9.11.2. Key Executives

9.11.3. Operating Business Segments

9.11.4. Product Portfolio

9.11.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.11.6. Key News


9.12 Shenghe Resources Holding Co., Ltd

9.12.1. Company Overview

9.12.2. Key Executives

9.12.3. Operating Business Segments

9.12.4. Product Portfolio

9.12.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.12.6. Key News


9.13 Japan Rare Earth Co., Ltd.

9.13.1. Company Overview

9.13.2. Key Executives

9.13.3. Operating Business Segments

9.13.4. Product Portfolio

9.13.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.13.6. Key News


9.14  Molycorp Minerals & Metals

9.14.1. Company Overview

9.14.2. Key Executives

9.14.3. Operating Business Segments

9.14.4. Product Portfolio

9.14.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.14.6. Key News


9.15 Silmet Corp.

9.15.1. Company Overview

9.15.2. Key Executives

9.15.3. Operating Business Segments

9.15.4. Product Portfolio

9.15.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.15.6. Key News


9.16 Sumitomo Special Metals Co., Ltd.

9.16.1. Company Overview

9.16.2. Key Executives

9.16.3. Operating Business Segments

9.16.4. Product Portfolio

9.16.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.16.6. Key News


9.17 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.

9.17.1. Company Overview

9.17.2. Key Executives

9.17.3. Operating Business Segments

9.17.4. Product Portfolio

9.17.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.17.6. Key News


9.18 Magnequench

9.18.1. Company Overview

9.18.2. Key Executives

9.18.3. Operating Business Segments

9.18.4. Product Portfolio

9.18.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.18.6. Key News


9.19 SECO Resources

9.19.1. Company Overview

9.19.2. Key Executives

9.19.3. Operating Business Segments

9.19.4. Product Portfolio

9.19.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.19.6. Key News


9.20 Neo Performance Materials Inc

9.20.1. Company Overview

9.20.2. Key Executives

9.20.3. Operating Business Segments

9.20.4. Product Portfolio

9.20.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

9.20.6. Key News

Global Rare Earth Elements Market Segmentation

Rare Earth Elements by Type: Market Size & Forecast 2023-2032

  • Lanthanum
  • Cerium
  • Neodymium
  • Praseodymium
  • Samarium
  • Europium
  • Other

Rare Earth Elements by Elements: Market Size & Forecast 2023-2032

  • Light REEs
  • Heavy REEs
  • Yttrium

Rare Earth Elements by Application: Market Size & Forecast 2023-2032

  • Magnets
  • Metallurgy
  • Batteries
  • Polishing Agent
  • Glass and Ceramics
  • Catalyst
  • Phosphors
  • Others

Rare Earth Elements by Geography: Market Size & Forecast 2023-2032

  • North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)
  • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
  • Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Rest of Asia-Pacific)
  • South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Rest of South America)
  • Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Rest of MEA)

Major Players:

  • China Northern Rare Earth Group High-Tech Co. Ltd.
  • MP Materials, Inc.
  • Lynas Rare Earths Ltd.
  • Iluka Resources Ltd.
  • Mountain Pass Rare Earth LLC
  • Greenland Minerals Ltd.
  • Arafura Resources Ltd.
  • Avalon Advanced Materials Inc
  • China Minmetals Rare Earth Co. Ltd.
  • Shenghe Resources Holding Co., Ltd,
  • Japan Rare Earth Co., Ltd.
  • Molycorp Minerals & Metals
  • Silmet Corp.
  • Sumitomo Special Metals Co., Ltd.
  • Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Neo Performance Materials Inc

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