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Global Red Seaweed Extract Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report, by Product Type (Powder, Liquid, Gel, Others), by Application (Food and Beverage, Personal Care and Cosmetics, Animal Feed Additives, Pharmaceuticals, Others), By Region (North America, Europe, APAC, and Others), and Segment Forecasts, 2023 – 2030
  • Published Date: Nov, 2023
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  • Pages: 200
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  • Report Summary
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  • Segmentation
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Global Red Seaweed Extract Market was valued at US $ 2058.4 million in 2022 and is expected to reach US $ 3018.1 Million by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period 2023 – 2030.
The red seaweed extract market refers to the global industry centered around the cultivation, harvesting, processing, and distribution of extracts derived from red seaweed species. These extracts, obtained through various methods, such as drying, grinding, and solvent-based extraction, are utilized in a wide range of applications across diverse sectors, including food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture. The market encompasses products such as carrageenan, agar, and other red seaweed-derived compounds, offering a versatile array of applications that cater to consumer demands for natural, sustainable, and health-conscious ingredients. It is characterized by its potential for innovation, economic growth, and the promotion of eco-friendly and nutrient-rich alternatives in response to evolving consumer preferences and global sustainability goals.

Some of the benefits of designing a Red Seaweed Extract Market include:

  • Culinary and Nutritional Versatility: Within the culinary landscape, red seaweed extracts are highly regarded for their adaptability. They enrich the texture, taste, and nutritional composition of a diverse array of products, spanning from dairy alternatives and plant-based foods to seasonings and snacks.
  • Economic Prosperity: The market for red seaweed extract plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth by generating employment prospects in cultivation, harvesting, processing, and distribution. Furthermore, it acts as a catalyst for innovation and research, further invigorating economic advancement.
  • Wide Array of Market Prospects: This market is marked by its extensive spectrum of products and applications, making it appealing to a broad spectrum of consumer groups. It caters to individuals committed to their health, desiring natural and plant-based ingredients, as well as those with a preference for environmentally friendly and sustainable choices.
  • Global Outreach: The presence of the red seaweed extract market extends across the world, encompassing both developed and emerging markets. This extensive reach paves the way for international trade and collaboration, opening doors for global economic exchange.
  • Therapeutic Potential in Pharmaceuticals: Red seaweed extracts exhibit significant potential in the pharmaceutical sector for the development of groundbreaking medications. This potential not only holds the promise of medical advancements but also the prospect of innovative therapeutic solutions.

COVID -19 Impact 

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a multifaceted impact on the red seaweed extract market. On one hand, the market experienced positive effects as consumers heightened their focus on immune health, leading to increased demand for products like red seaweed extract known for their potential health benefits. The global shift towards natural and plant-based ingredients, accelerated by the pandemic, further favored red seaweed extract, given its natural origin. Additionally, pharmaceutical research explored the extract's antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to the sector's research and development efforts in the fight against the virus.

Conversely, the pandemic also ushered in challenges. Supply chain disruptions caused delays and shortages in the sourcing and production of red seaweed extract, while the economic downturn influenced consumer spending, impacting the market's overall demand. Shifts in market priorities towards essential products and services diverted attention and resources away from non-essential items like red seaweed extract. Market uncertainty, induced by the pandemic, made long-term planning and investment decisions challenging for businesses. 

In summary, the COVID-19 impact on the red seaweed extract market was characterized by a dynamic interplay of increased demand for health-conscious and natural products, juxtaposed with supply chain challenges, reduced economic activity, and shifts in market focus. The lasting effects on the market will be shaped by the evolving post-pandemic landscape and consumer preferences.

Factors Driving the Market


Rising awareness of the health benefits of red seaweed extract

The increasing awareness of the health benefits conferred by red seaweed extract serves as a powerful catalyst for the market's growth. Informed consumers are not only more likely to actively seek out products containing these extracts, but they also drive a significant expansion of market demand. This growing awareness is closely tied to a global surge in health-consciousness, as individuals increasingly prioritize their well-being. Red seaweed extract, renowned for its antioxidant properties and dietary fiber content, perfectly aligns with this health-conscious trend. Consumers are increasingly seeking natural, plant-based ingredients that offer tangible health advantages, making red seaweed extract a highly favored choice among those striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Moreover, the diverse range of health benefits associated with red seaweed extract, from its potential to mitigate inflammation to acting as a potent antioxidant and a source of dietary fiber, positions it as a versatile solution that caters to a wide spectrum of consumer health concerns. In addition, this growing awareness harmonizes with the expanding embrace of plant-based and vegan diets. As consumers align their dietary choices with ethical and health considerations, red seaweed extract, as a plant-based ingredient, becomes an attractive and appealing option, spurring heightened demand within this demographic.

Growing popularity of seaweed-based food and beverage products

The surging popularity of seaweed-based food and beverage products is proving to be a formidable driver of market growth. This phenomenon is intimately tied to the increasing health awareness among consumers who actively seek nutritious and health-promoting dietary choices. Seaweed's reputation as a nutrient-rich superfood, replete with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, places it squarely in the spotlight as a sought-after ingredient for the health-conscious. Moreover, the association of seaweed-based products with natural and sustainable food sources resonates profoundly with the eco-conscious preferences of modern consumers. 

Seaweed's low resource footprint in terms of freshwater, land, and pesticide use aligns seamlessly with sustainability goals, further enhancing its appeal. The rise of plant-based and vegan diets has fueled a robust market for seaweed-based alternatives to conventional animal-derived products, spanning a wide array of options from snacks to dairy substitutes. Seaweed's versatile culinary characteristics, including unique flavors and umami notes, enable its incorporation into an array of dishes, snacks, and beverages, making it an enticing choice for consumers seeking diversity in their dietary options.

As a result, the innovative efforts of food and beverage companies in incorporating seaweed into their products, coupled with endorsements from restaurants and chefs, have expanded the market and kindled consumer curiosity. The nutrient density of seaweed, packed with vital elements like iodine, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, caters to the dietary needs of those aiming to boost their nutritional intake. This trend is global and culturally diverse, with seaweed-based foods gaining recognition not only in Asian cuisines but also in Western countries. As the popularity of seaweed-based food and beverage products continues to surge, it answers the growing demand for wholesome, sustainable, and diverse dietary options, epitomizing the ever-evolving landscape of health-conscious and eco-friendly food choices while driving the market's expansion.


Lack of awareness of the benefits of red seaweed extract

Insufficient awareness of the benefits associated with red seaweed extract exerts a substantial and adverse impact on the market. When consumers are unaware of the potential advantages these extracts offer, their demand remains limited, obstructing the growth of the market. Manufacturers, in turn, may hesitate to invest in new products that include red seaweed extract, stifling innovation within the industry. Furthermore, this lack of awareness can lead to an underestimation of the market's true potential, resulting in missed opportunities for businesses and investors. Educational campaigns become a necessity, which can be resource-intensive and challenging, especially for smaller enterprises.

Equally concerning is the failure to harness the substantial health and wellness trends surrounding red seaweed extract. These extracts provide essential health benefits, including antioxidants and dietary fiber, and may even harbor therapeutic properties. Without awareness, consumers miss out on these potential advantages, and the industry misses the chance to align with the growing health-conscious consumer base.In some instances, the absence of awareness can also lead to regulatory and safety concerns, as the lack of understanding may result in inadequate oversight and the introduction of substandard or unsafe products into the market.

The global expansion of red seaweed extract markets faces difficulties, particularly in emerging regions, when awareness is low, necessitating extensive efforts to educate consumers and overcome cultural and language barriers.Moreover, this lack of awareness can deter investor interest and restrict the industry's ability to secure funding for research and development, limiting its capacity to innovate and explore new applications. In conclusion, inadequate awareness of the benefits of red seaweed extract serves as a substantial hurdle to market growth, demanding educational and marketing initiatives to inform consumers and stakeholders about the advantages of these extracts.


Growing demand for red seaweed extract in emerging markets

The surging demand for red seaweed extract in emerging markets plays a pivotal role in propelling the growth of the red seaweed extract market. As economies in these regions experience rapid expansion and increasing disposable incomes, consumers have greater purchasing power, and their preferences are evolving. The awareness of the health benefits associated with red seaweed extracts, such as antioxidants and dietary fiber, aligns seamlessly with the growing focus on health and wellness, making these extracts a sought-after ingredient.

Furthermore, the cultural relevance of seaweed in traditional diets and culinary practices in certain emerging markets provides a solid foundation for the integration of red seaweed-based products. The shift towards healthier, natural, and plant-based alternatives in emerging markets mirrors global trends, further fueling the demand for red seaweed extracts, known for their natural attributes. The versatility of red seaweed extracts, spanning applications in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture, caters to diverse needs and industries, making them an appealing choice for manufacturers and consumers alike. In addition to their use in food and consumer goods, these extracts are increasingly explored for agricultural purposes, enhancing crop yields and sustainability.

As the demand intensifies, investments flow into the production and distribution networks in emerging markets, facilitating expansion and market growth. Governments in some of these regions actively support the red seaweed industry, recognizing its economic potential and offering incentives to encourage its cultivation and utilization. In sum, the growing appetite for red seaweed extract in emerging markets, driven by shifting consumer preferences, economic progress, cultural ties, and the adaptability of these extracts, holds the promise of a thriving and expanding red seaweed extract market.

Market Segmentation 

By Product Type

  • The Powder dominated the Red Seaweed Extract Market in 2022.
  • The Liquid is the fastest growing segment, growing at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period.

By Product Type, the global Red Seaweed Extract Market is divided into Powder, Liquid, Gel, Others.The leading product type in the red seaweed extract market is powder, accounting for over 60% of global market share in 2022. Powdered red seaweed extract is easy to handle and transport, and it has a long shelf life. It is also the most versatile form of red seaweed extract, as it can be used in a wide range of applications, including food and beverage, personal care and cosmetics, animal feed additives, and pharmaceuticals. The fastest-growing product type in the red seaweed extract market is liquid red seaweed extract. The growth of liquid red seaweed extract is being driven by the increasing demand for red seaweed extract in the food and beverage industry. Liquid red seaweed extract is easier to use in some food and beverage applications than powdered red seaweed extract.

By Application

  • The Food and Beverages segment dominated the Red Seaweed Extract Market in 2022.
  • Pharmaceuticals is the fastest growing segment, growing at a CAGR of 6.9% during the forecast period.

By Application the Red Seaweed Extract Market is divided by Food and Beverage, Personal Care and Cosmetics, Animal Feed Additives, Pharmaceuticals, Others.

The leading application in the red seaweed extracts market is food and beverage, accounting for over 42% of global market share in 2022. Red seaweed extracts are used in a variety of food and beverage products as thickeners, stabilizers, gelling agents, and flavor enhancers. Consumer preferences for natural and plant-based ingredients, driven by health consciousness and dietary choices like veganism, further bolster the demand for red seaweed extracts in the food sector. Additionally, their potential health benefits and suitability as a natural ingredient align seamlessly with current market trends. Conversely, the pharmaceutical industry is experiencing rapid expansion within the red seaweed extract market. 

This growth is primarily attributed to extensive research that has unveiled the therapeutic potential of red seaweed extracts. These extracts have shown promise in areas such as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant properties, rendering them attractive for drug development. As the global population ages, the prevalence of age-related diseases like Alzheimer's increases, and red seaweed extracts provide a novel avenue for pharmaceutical companies to explore potential treatments. Regulatory approvals for medical use further pave the way for substantial growth in this sector, making the pharmaceutical industry the fastest-growing application for red seaweed extracts.

By Region

  • The North America region dominated the Red Seaweed Extract Market in 2022.
  • The APAC region is the fastest growing segment, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period.

By region, the global Red Seaweed Extract Market is divided into North America, Europe, APAC and Others. Others is further divided into Middle East, Africa and South America.

In 2022, the global market for red seaweed extract is led by the Asia-Pacific region, which commands more than 40% of the total market share. This dominance can be attributed to several factors, notably the extensive coastline of the region, offering abundant access to red seaweed resources, as well as the surging demand for red seaweed extract in Asia-Pacific's food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical sectors. Following closely is North America, securing the position of the second-largest region in the red seaweed extract market, closely followed by Europe. Anticipated is a notable growth trajectory in these regions in the upcoming years. This expansion is fueled by the increasing recognition of the health advantages associated with red seaweed extract and the growing trend of plant-based and vegan dietary choices. Witnessing the most rapid advancement within the red seaweed extract market are emerging markets like China and India. In the foreseeable future, these markets are poised for substantial expansion, bolstered by rising disposable incomes and the heightened awareness of the health benefits offered by red seaweed extract.

Competitive Landscape

The global Red Seaweed Extract Market is consolidated with the presence of few major players contributing to the market revenue. This dominance of these major players is driven by their technological expertise, extensive resources, and established brand recognition. These companies typically offered comprehensive and diversified solutions to end use industries.

  • Cargill

Cargill is a privately held American multinational corporation headquartered in Minnetonka, Minnesota. It is one of the largest privately held companies in the world, with revenues of over US$134 billion in fiscal year 2022. Cargill is involved in the agricultural and food supply chain, and its businesses include grain and oilseed processing, animal nutrition, food ingredients, and trade and risk management.

  • Algaia SA

Algaia SA is a French company that produces and markets seaweed extracts for the food, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and agriculture industries. The company was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Lannilis, France. Algaia has a global presence, with sales offices in over 50 countries.

  • Aquarev Industries

Aquarev Industries is a leading Indian manufacturer of red seaweed extract products. The company was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Una, Gujarat. Aquarev Industries sources its red seaweed from sustainable suppliers in India and Indonesia. The company uses eco-friendly extraction processes to produce a variety of red seaweed extract products, including carrageenan, agar, and alginates.

  • Saosis Biotech
  • Shemberg
  • Ceamsa
  • Green Fresh Foodstuff
  • Qingdao Nanshan Seaweed
  • Karagen Indonesia
  • Acadian Seaplants Limited
  • Annie Chun's Inc.
  • Biolchim SPA
  • CP Kelco
  • DuPont Inc.
  • Extractos Naturales Gelymar S.A.
  • Fuerst Day Lawson Limited
  • Groupe Roullier
  • Humate International Limited
  • Kelpak
  • Maine Coast Sea Vegetables

Recent Developments

  • August 2023: Cargill's Investment in Indonesian Seaweed Facility

In August 2023, Cargill made a significant announcement regarding its investment in a state-of-the-art red seaweed extraction facility located in Indonesia. The facility is slated to become operational by 2025 and will be geared towards the production of various red seaweed extract products, such as carrageenan and agar.

  • July 2023: Algaia SA's Launch of Cosmetics-Grade Seaweed Extracts

In July 2023, Algaia SA introduced an innovative product line consisting of red seaweed extract items that cater specifically to the cosmetics industry. This line encompasses a diverse array of ingredients suitable for use in skincare, haircare, and body care products.

  • June 2023: Aquarev Industries' Sustainable Carrageenan Extraction

In June 2023, Aquarev Industries unveiled a groundbreaking development in the red seaweed extraction domain. They introduced a novel extraction process for carrageenan derived from red seaweed, which stands out for its enhanced efficiency and environmental friendliness compared to conventional methods.

  • May 2023: Saosis Biotech's Collaboration in Medicinal Seaweed Research

During May 2023, Saosis Biotech forged a strategic partnership with a prominent Chinese pharmaceutical firm with the goal of jointly developing pharmaceuticals rooted in red seaweed extracts. This collaboration primarily concentrates on the research and development of medications targeting cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

  • April 2023: Shemberg's Red Seaweed Extracts for Food and Beverage Applications

In April 2023, Shemberg introduced an innovative line of red seaweed extract products, tailored for utilization in the food and beverage sector. This product range includes various ingredients suitable for functions such as thickening, stabilizing, and gelling in food and beverage applications.

Red Seaweed Extract Market Scope

Report Components Details
Forecast Period

2023 – 2030

Quantitative Units

Revenue in US $

  • Increasing demand for natural and sustainable products
  • Rising awareness of the health benefits of red seaweed extract
  • Growing popularity of seaweed-based food and beverage products
  • Expanding applications of red seaweed extract in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
  • Limited availability of red seaweed
  • Lack of awareness of the benefits of red seaweed extract
  • Regulatory challenges
  • Growing demand for red seaweed extract in emerging markets
  • Development of new applications for red seaweed extract
  • Increasing investment in the red seaweed extract industry
Segments Covered

by Product Type (Powder, Liquid, Gel, Others), by Application (Food and Beverage, Personal Care and Cosmetics, Animal Feed Additives, Pharmaceuticals, Others)

Countries Covered

U.S. and Canada in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the APAC, Others include Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Rest of South America as part of South America

Market Players Covered

Cargill, Algaia SA, Aquarev Industries, Saosis Biotech, Shemberg, Ceamsa Green Fresh Foodstuff, Qingdao Nanshan Seaweed, Karagen Indonesia Acadian Seaplants Limited, Annie Chun's Inc., Biolchim SPA, CP KelcoDuPont Inc., Extractos Naturales Gelymar S.A., Fuerst Day Lawson Limited Groupe Roullier, Humate International Limited, Kelpak, Maine Coast Sea Vegetables

Table of Contents


1.1 Overview of the Market

1.2 Scope of Report

1.3 Assumptions





3.1 Data Mining

3.2 Validation

3.3 Primary Interviews

3.4 List of Data Sources



4.1 Overview

4.2 Market Dynamics

4.2.1 Drivers

4.2.2 Restraints

4.2.3 Opportunities

4.3 Porters Five Force Model

4.3.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

4.3.2. Threat of New Entrants

4.3.3. Threat of Substitutes

4.3.4. Competitive Rivalry

4.3.5. Bargaining Power among Buyers

4.4 Value Chain Analysis



5.1 Overview

5.2 Powder

5.3 Liquid

5.4 Gel

5.5 Others


6.1 Overview

6.2 Food and Beverage

6.3 Personal Care and Cosmetics

6.4 Animal Feed Additives

6.5 Pharmaceuticals

6.6 Others


7.1 North America

7.1.1 U.S.

7.1.2 Canada

7.2 Europe

7.2.1 Germany

7.2.3 U.K.

7.2.4 France

7.2.5 Rest of Europe

7.3 Asia Pacific

7.3.1 China

7.3.2 Japan

7.3.3 India

7.3.4 South Korea

7.3.5 Singapore

7.3.6 Malaysia

7.3.7 Australia

7.3.8 Thailand

7.3.9 Indonesia

7.3.10 Philippines

7.3.11 Rest of Asia Pacific

7.4 Others

7.4.1 Saudi Arabia

7.4.2 U.A.E.

7.4.3 South Africa

7.4.4 Egypt

7.4.5 Israel

7.4.6 Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA)

7.4.7 Brazil

7.4.8 Argentina

7.4.9 Mexico

7.4.10 Rest of South America



8.1.1. Company Overview

8.1.2. Key Executives

8.1.3. Operating Business Segments

8.1.4. Product Portfolio

8.1.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.1.6 Key News


8.2 Algaia SA

8.2.1. Company Overview

8.2.2. Key Executives

8.2.3. Operating Business Segments

8.2.4. Product Portfolio

8.2.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.2.6. Key News


8.3 Aquarev Industries

8.3.1. Company Overview

8.3.2. Key Executives

8.3.3. Operating Business Segments

8.3.4. Product Portfolio

8.3.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.3.6. Key News


8.4  Saosis Biotech

8.4.1. Company Overview

8.4.2. Key Executives

8.4.3. Operating Business Segments

8.4.4. Product Portfolio

8.4.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.4.6. Key News


8.5 Shemberg

8.5.1. Company Overview

8.5.2. Key Executives

8.5.3. Operating Business Segments

8.5.4. Product Portfolio

8.5.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.5.6. Key News


8.6 Ceamsa

8.6.1. Company Overview

8.6.2. Key Executives

8.6.3. Operating Business Segments

8.6.4. Product Portfolio

8.6.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.6.6. Key News


8.7 Green Fresh Foodstuff

8.7.1. Company Overview

8.7.2. Key Executives

8.7.3. Operating Business Segments

8.7.4. Product Portfolio

8.7.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.7.6. Key News


8.8 Qingdao Nanshan Seaweed

8.8.1. Company Overview

8.8.2. Key Executives

8.8.3. Operating Business Segments

8.8.4. Product Portfolio

8.8.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.8.6. Key News



8.9.1. Company Overview

8.9.2. Key Executives

8.9.3. Operating Business Segments

8.9.4. Product Portfolio

8.9.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.9.6. Key News


8.10 Acadian Seaplants Limited

8.10.1. Company Overview

8.10.2. Key Executives

8.10.3. Operating Business Segments

8.10.4. Product Portfolio

8.10.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.10.6. Key News


8.11 Annie Chun's Inc.

8.11.1. Company Overview

8.11.2. Key Executives

8.11.3. Operating Business Segments

8.11.4. Product Portfolio

8.11.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.11.6. Key News


8.12 Biolchim SPA

8.12.1. Company Overview

8.12.2. Key Executives

8.12.3. Operating Business Segments

8.12.4. Product Portfolio

8.12.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.12.6. Key News


8.13 CP Kelco

8.13.1. Company Overview

8.13.2. Key Executives

8.13.3. Operating Business Segments

8.13.4. Product Portfolio

8.13.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.13.6. Key News


8.14  DuPont Inc.

8.14.1. Company Overview

8.14.2. Key Executives

8.14.3. Operating Business Segments

8.14.4. Product Portfolio

8.14.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.14.6. Key News


8.15 Extractos Naturales Gelymar S.A.

8.15.1. Company Overview

8.15.2. Key Executives

8.15.3. Operating Business Segments

8.15.4. Product Portfolio

8.15.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.15.6. Key News


8.16 Fuerst Day Lawson Limited

8.16.1. Company Overview

8.16.2. Key Executives

8.16.3. Operating Business Segments

8.16.4. Product Portfolio

8.16.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.16.6. Key News


8.17 Groupe Roullier

8.17.1. Company Overview

8.17.2. Key Executives

8.17.3. Operating Business Segments

8.17.4. Product Portfolio

8.17.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.17.6. Key News


8.18 Humate International Limited

8.18.1. Company Overview

8.18.2. Key Executives

8.18.3. Operating Business Segments

8.18.4. Product Portfolio

8.18.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.18.6. Key News


8.19 Kelpak

8.19.1. Company Overview

8.19.2. Key Executives

8.19.3. Operating Business Segments

8.19.4. Product Portfolio

8.19.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)

8.19.6. Key News


8.20 Maine Coast Sea Vegetables

8.20.1. Company Overview

8.20.2. Key Executives

8.20.3. Operating Business Segments

8.20.4. Product Portfolio

8.20.5. Financial Performance (As per availability)


8.20.6. Key News

Global Red Seaweed Extract Market Segmentation

Red Seaweed Extract by Product Type : Market Size & Forecast 2023-2030

  • Powder
  • Liquid
  • Gel
  • Others

Red Seaweed Extract by End Use Industry: Market Size & Forecast 2023-2030

  • Food and Beverage
  • Personal Care and Cosmetics
  • Animal Feed Additives
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Others

Red Seaweed Extract by Geography: Market Size & Forecast 2023-2030

  • North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)
  • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
  • Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Rest of Asia-Pacific)
  • South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Rest of South America)
  • Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Rest of MEA)

Major Players:

  • Cargill
  • Algaia SA
  • Aquarev Industries
  • Saosis Biotech
  • Shemberg
  • Ceamsa
  • Green Fresh Foodstuff
  • Qingdao Nanshan Seaweed
  • Karagen Indonesia
  • Acadian Seaplants Limited
  • Annie Chun's Inc.
  • Biolchim SPA
  • CP Kelco
  • DuPont Inc.
  • Extractos Naturales Gelymar S.A.
  • Fuerst Day Lawson Limited
  • Groupe Roullier
  • Humate International Limited
  • Kelpak
  • Maine Coast Sea Vegetables

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